keyed in: August 2005

the grouch once called himself a simple man who liked pretty things. what an admirable thing to be it seems to me. living in brooklyn. working in advertising. tons of fun with a slender frame and few cases of wit. drink up.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

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Saturday, August 27, 2005

being ernest

while i know nothing of of war, i find that i am often at war with myself. like in war, both sides have good days. yet, if such is the case, it means the war is nowhere near over. i suppose it never will be.

15 vacation stills

v.2 adios mi amorcita

v.3 thank god i have a bike

v.4 cooler-schmooler

v.5 grrrrrrreat

v.6 peyote

v.7 most likely against voting

v.8 yes erd

v.9 one perky playboy table

v.10 all smiles bbq

v.11 "save your money buddy, they don't work"

v.12 put away a few at the little red hen

v.13 seattle is being attacked by amoebae

v.14 could this guy get more excited about sushi

v.15 back in the kitchen

Thursday, August 18, 2005

come january

i finished the new harry potter book

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


after the day i was having yesterday i needed them. so here it is, my deepest of thanks to the people at apt. 105 whose films reminded that we're all putting projects together and no matter how weird they are, we'll make it.

Friday, August 12, 2005

so it's not outright saying it, but...

yesterday msn told me what was hot and i like reading, so i played along. surely reading ten things every single guy and girl needs would qualify as time well spent. educational, that's the word. i read the girl’s list first and found it very nice. the lists are mainly about having stuff that the other sex will like. after all, what would a, "suddenly single," article be if it wasn't giving you tips on how to hook up right. with that in mind, compared to the girl's list, the guy's list reads like a reciept. 7,8&9 are killers. 30% isn't that bad.

men wouldn't buy houses if they could get laid in cardboard boxes-eddie murphy

Suddenly Single

10 things every single girl must own
By Amy Spencer

Sure, you've got the perfect shade of lipstick and the little black dress... but is that all you need? Hardly.

1. A fabulous photo of yourself

2. A pretty pair of heels

3. An Eminem CD

4. A great pickup line... and a way to blow 'em off

5. A six-pack of good bottled beer

6. Bathroom reading

7. A business card

8. Earplugs

9. A straight male friend on your speed-dial

10. A condom


10 things every single man must own
By Matt Schneiderman

Want to impress the ladies with your great taste in home décor and more? Skip the leather couch and silk boxers and buy these bachelor essentials.

1. A top-notch coffee/espresso maker

2. A lamp in your bedroom

3. Swiffer Sweeper + Swiffer Cloths + Swiffer Wet Cloths

4. A comfortable couch

5. Nice underwear

6. A key-ring that can fix, cut, and open anything

7. $150+ jeans

8. $200+ dress shoes

9. 300-thread-count cotton sheets

10. The Joy of Cooking

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

taxi diss

two things that turn me over

the wooden overcoat

sani-can cynicism

knowing a good deal even when you can't see it

anticipating cd's in my face

trapped in a table

a pint of pangea

Thursday, August 04, 2005

napkin night @ larocca's

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