keyed in: waking

the grouch once called himself a simple man who liked pretty things. what an admirable thing to be it seems to me. living in brooklyn. working in advertising. tons of fun with a slender frame and few cases of wit. drink up.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Waking up is not always cool. Sometimes people make it look cool, see Weiden’s Nike, “Awake” spot for that. However, waking up has been great for me lately. This weekend every time I woke up I was checking my watch to see how long I had to wait before killing myself. I can tell you truthfully it was not a long wait. Though, like all weekends, it ended. But another one is coming right around the corner, which is good.

As for the weekdays, waking up has become something new entirely. It has become a team sport. Marcus and I now rise around the same time. If I’m lucky he’s already in the shower and has laid out his clothes for the day, so I can laugh at his imaginary body sprawled across a lazy boy. Then I hit the shower, at which point I am truly awake.

Then there’s the afternoon. This is where this waking thing becomes complicated. It usually hits between 3 and 4pm. The weird thing about waking up at this time is that I haven’t gone to sleep. At least not yet, therein lies the reason for needing a waking. As anyone who stares at online text all day can tell you, it is prone to cause drowsiness. Severe drowsiness. Eating a large lunch will not help the matter. Neither will eating nothing at all. In fact it seems nothing can stop me from getting tired at this point of the day.

Suggestions are welcomed.


Blogger M@ers said...

Splundy, here's a couple suggestions off the top of my head; stop blogging, use a type writer, get down with the home row players (i.e. learn how to type blindfolded {almost} ), space out coffee drinking, snack instead of lunch, or eat breakfast (a cliff bar and two pieces of fruit {can count as snacks} ), don't hang out with anyone named patrick

6:15 AM

Blogger M@ers said...

Splundy, here's a couple suggestions off the top of my head; stop blogging, use a type writer, get down with the home row players (i.e. learn how to type blindfolded {almost} ), space out coffee drinking, snack instead of lunch, or eat breakfast (a cliff bar and two pieces of fruit {can count as snacks} ), don't hang out with anyone named patrick

6:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:15 AM? Fucking crackhead

3:17 PM


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