keyed in: "the time accellerator"

the grouch once called himself a simple man who liked pretty things. what an admirable thing to be it seems to me. living in brooklyn. working in advertising. tons of fun with a slender frame and few cases of wit. drink up.

Monday, September 20, 2004

"the time accellerator"

this is my nickname for the process we earthlings, and most specifically americans, call weekends. for it seems to me they come and go at a rate completely different from that of a similar three day stretch such as monday through wednesday. in posting this blog i intend it to reach the farthest corners of the earth, ocean included for all you oceanographers. SO, if their is a scientist, mathematician, or an out of work genie out there who can tell me how to make the weekend seem as long as monday through wednesday i will gladly pay for your services. i am also interested in advanced time displacement such as making summer seem as long as the school year and vice versa.


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