keyed in: Quotes from the homeless musician on the 6 train:

the grouch once called himself a simple man who liked pretty things. what an admirable thing to be it seems to me. living in brooklyn. working in advertising. tons of fun with a slender frame and few cases of wit. drink up.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Quotes from the homeless musician on the 6 train:

“Ladies and gentlemen I am here today because I spent all my money on alcohol, marijuana, crack and am-phe-phe-phe-phetamins. But, I learned my lesson. Now I wanna spend your money on alcohol, marijuana, crack and am-phe-phe-phe-phetamins!”

“Woah, ya people are leaving already, ya just got here and my other personalities are on after my opening act so come back on and open ya wallets!”

“To all of the people who just boarded this train, ya have just missed the most amazing thing. Every single person on this car just gave me $2.50, which means the only people who have yet to contribute are ya people who just got on the train. Come on now!”

*dedicated to nick mathisen the person who would’ve enjoyed this man more than me.


Blogger M@ers said...

Oh you bums! Sounds like a helluva show.
Anybody got 8 cents?

11:40 PM


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