keyed in: Dear Caspian

the grouch once called himself a simple man who liked pretty things. what an admirable thing to be it seems to me. living in brooklyn. working in advertising. tons of fun with a slender frame and few cases of wit. drink up.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Dear Caspian

I'm sorry. I shall try my very best to never be in your way again. Thank you for you graciousness, Sire.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sire is a curious word. I believe it is used when referencing an animal that gets paid a stud fee. Interesting. I to shall try to avoid any unruly run-ins in the future and any unfortunate uses of the word “sire”. LIB.


3:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

May all your "final" days, carry amongst thine winds, a select level of graciousness meant to both undue your diet of the elementary as well as repricocate your distinction of the "prophecy".

3:36 AM

Blogger M@ers said...

"May all your final days, carry amongst thine winds, a select level of graciousness meant to both undue your diet of the elementary as well as repricocate your distinction of the prophecy."


"May all your gifts be gracious tens."

7:06 PM


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