keyed in: memory

the grouch once called himself a simple man who liked pretty things. what an admirable thing to be it seems to me. living in brooklyn. working in advertising. tons of fun with a slender frame and few cases of wit. drink up.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Main Entry: mem·o·ry
Pronunciation: 'mem-rE, 'me-m&-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
Etymology: Middle English memorie, from Middle French memoire, from Latin memoria, from memor mindful; akin to Old English gemimor well-known, Greek mermEra care, Sanskrit smarati he remembers

3 a : a particular act of recall or recollection b : an image or impression of one that is remembered c : the time within which past events can be or are remembered


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